Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meet Zoe!

She's my Mom's new Chihuahua puppy! And is absolutely irresistible, both in appearance and in personality. Hope this brightens your day as much as it did mine :)


  1. who can resist a puppy!
    she is adorable...she would be a snack for my brood of dogs...she is tiny

    she sure photographs sweetly! i think it is the pink

  2. Ahh,,, so cute, Jess! :D
    I've ever had a chihuahua once, but no longer now :P

    Yeah, and about the fact that we're in the same age and have quite same interest! Cool! ;D

    Have you facebook acount, Jes? :)

  3. ohhh I love puppies. The answer is digital to your question. I answered you on my blog. My 5 yr old dog just had to have 3 teeth pulled so be sure and get yours used to brushing early!

  4. eyh, what a great little character she seems. you just can walk away from once you see them as puppy. we ended up having ours when we first saw our little cocker spaniel. had no intention of getting but as you said they are irresitible. I love the forth down & the second from the bottom. she's sooo cute!

  5. Hi Jess! You commented on one of my photos (the one with the flower that you liked) at the end of September, and I have just recently come back to my blog after an unintentional leave of absence. I hope you will continue to follow/look at my blog from now on, for now I'm back and am going to post updates/photos! :) What a cute dog! I hope to see more of your stuff. Take care!

  6. Hi, Jess! Zoe is adorable! Love the photos! :-)

  7. SO CUTE!!! :) Man, I'm behind - sorry!
