Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My latest project...

Fashion in Monochrome: the title of my new book I'm going to make (through Blurb.com) for my final portfolio. I made a book through them about a year ago, it was titled Man Made vs Nature, and it turned out extremely well.

So this time, I chose to experiment with fashion photography in high contrast black and white. I'm really excited to see the final project. Here's a glimpse of what I've been doing for the past couple of weeks:


  1. The photo with the floppy hat is gorgeous!
    Can't wait to see how it turns out
    have a good day

  2. Looking good, Jess. When it comes time to include images in your book -- remember to be rigorously pedantic about removing distractions.

    For example, in the second one down, the white spot near the right hand edge needs to go. Also, the twisted bra strap in the one where the model is wearing a hat probably precludes it from being included (or maybe you can clone it out completely?).

    Good luck with it all :)

  3. fantastic! I wish you much success!!!!

  4. Preciosidades de imagenes. Un saludo
