Monday, December 28, 2009

It's been a while...

...So I'll refresh the page with some shots I took of JMU's dance team. Most of them looked better in black and white with the high contrast. I loved the motion of them, even though some were blurry. So hopefully you all enjoy them too! I thought they looked rather peaceful. Let me know which are your favorites!


  1. wonderful images..really well done! I missed so much here..I often forget to loo at sites through google followers. So sorry! I will add it to my bloglist so I can see when new post come up;) Happy new year!

  2. Hi, Jess! Lovely photos. It must have been fun to get to photograph in this setting with the great lighting! Next time, I'd love to see you play more with your aperture and shutter speed to get some shots with lots of motion. They can be sooooo cool! But just a few! A little motion can go a long way! :-)

  3. Great lighting on those black and white shots, Jessica. Well controlled exposure, nice!

  4. Your images are just stunning ...
    Love them...
    Great work
    Big hug
