That's right, she came to JMU, her first college stop in her tour. And I was within inches of the 4'9 star of the Jersey Shore, poof included. Haha, just kidding. With the poof she's well above 5 feet tall.
So I got to photograph her for the full hour she was on stage, being "interviewed" by a comedian. If you're wondering what they could possibly talk about for over an hour, the topics included a fist pumping session, an ab contest with 6 members of the audience, a poof-making lesson, and a Q&A session. Oh, it was entertaining. And then, I had access to the meet and greet where I took a picture with her. Fun stuff.
So here's a glimpse of the latest celebrity among us college students; some don't agree with her status, but the people who were there were acting like Cameron Diaz was up on stage. So anyways, either way, I hope you enjoy!
And, if you gotta have more, here are the